John 4:1-41 | The People I’m Inclined to Avoid | Alex Culpepper March 27, 2022 Have you ever been the one people avoid in the room? Pastor Alex discusses some difficult to deal with cultural norms that you might not...
John 3:1-21 | Dispel Cultural Spirituality | Alex Culpepper March 20, 2022 What view do we have as a culture? What view did Jesus provide for us? Join pastor Alex as he brings us through this very introspective...
John 2:13-22 | Keep God Accessible | Alex Culpepper March 13, 2022 Join us as pastor Alex describes how Jesus paved the way for all to follow and believe.
John 2:1-12 | Displays of Power | Alex Culpepper March 6, 2022 How did Jesus verify his position? What signs did they see to make their decision? Explore with pastor Alex in this weeks deep dive.
John 1:35-51 | Come and See | Alex Culpepper February 27, 2022 How did Jesus call his followers? Join us as pastor Alex discusses the examples in this passage of John.
Acts 2: 42; 46; Luke 24: 13-22 | Vision Sunday 2022 | Alex Culpepper February 20, 2022 Join us as Pastor Alex speaks of Sacred Spaces as we look into the vision for our church moving forward.